3dbb.zip 49567 09-22-96 Simple 3-d sketch and rotate in BASIC advbas40.zip 127922 09-22-96 Advanced basic routines for Qbasic advbas9a.zip 127396 09-22-96 Library of callable func. QuickBASIC 3&4 ahd-2.zip 8695 09-22-96 Program for hydraulic design in BASIC airmiles.zip 9722 09-22-96 Airmiles between cities - Basic altqb551.zip 322929 09-22-96 Assembly language toolbox for QuickBasic altqb557.zip 347792 09-22-96 ALT-QUICK for QUICK BASIC v4.5.........v5.57 | This is the talked about programmer's tools | that are written by Christy Gemmell-England. | Add many new routines and functions to your | present or even new programs to give them a | unique look and feel. With this toolbox you | can do it easily ! Add Popups, zooms, | extended functions not present in QB45. | Available in QB, PDS, Visual Basic. !!! | U.S.A. Support is available thru Club PC BBS | located in Smithfield, Va. 804-357-0357. amypmr.zip 46667 09-22-96 Games in basic, good for kids arrays.zip 9996 09-22-96 Discussion of Basic Arrays asic20.zip 116600 09-22-96 Complete BASIC compiler, 60 BASICA commands asic302.zip 158307 09-22-96 Basic compiler/editor astropgm.zip 14731 09-22-96 Various astronomy prgms in BASIC asylib11.zip 78696 09-22-96 QB4 ter routines. By Gizmo Mike. Gd bas113.s19 23552 12-29-87 Basic ver 1.13 for original HC11 EVB's bas113b.s19 23552 12-29-87 Basic ver1.13 for rev B HC11 EVB's bas2b.zip 55480 09-22-96 CONVERTS GWBASIC TO STRUC. BASIC FORM bas2for.zip 12033 09-22-96 Convert Basic to Fortran bas2fort.zip 9496 09-22-96 Convert from BASIC to ForTran bas2qb.lzh 58180 05-14-89 convert BASICA to Quick Basic bas2qb11.zip 49714 09-22-96 Converts BASICA/GWBASIC source to QuickBASIC bas2qb13.lzh 30152 01-20-87 another Basic to Quick Basic converter bas2sb.lzh 51389 10-28-88 Basic to Structured Basic converter basaid50.zip 107512 09-22-96 ASSORTED QBASIC UTILITIES bascomm.zip 5172 09-22-96 How to use TBasic ON COM interrupt-driven I/O basconv.zip 12890 09-22-96 CONVERTS IBM BASIC INTO MS/IBM FORTRAN bascreen.zip 6318 09-22-96 Screen editor for QB basdlx.zip 13063 09-22-96 Useful .LIB functions for QBasic baseditr.zip 4381 09-22-96 Field Editor for QuickBASIC basic2sb.zip 52586 09-22-96 Converts BASICA to structured Basic basicaid.zip 24965 09-22-96 ASST BASIC PGMERS UTILITIES basist.zip 17701 09-22-96 Basic statistics basman1.zip 74178 09-22-96 BASIC manual -- part 1 of 3 basman2.zip 81019 09-22-96 BASIC manual -- part 2 of 3 basman3.zip 27884 09-22-96 BASIC manual -- part 3 of 3 basmenu.zip 3902 09-22-96 Menu subroutine for Basic programs basupd10.zip 30862 09-22-96 BasUpd adds PDS and Visual Basic commands to | QuickBASIC. Library and full sources | included. Free. By Tom Hanlin. basuprot.zip 2698 09-22-96 UNPROTECT BASIC PROGRAM baswind8.zip 178269 09-22-96 QB4.x window/menu/mouse routines with source baswiz18.zip 282135 09-22-96 BASIC Wizard's Library for QuickBasic and PDS. | BCD math, telecomm, graphics from Herc to | SuperVGA and dot matrix to laser printer, | equation solver, far strings in EMS, virtual | windowing system, more. Now includes source | for BASIC routines. LIBWIZxx.ZIP is needed to | create the library. By Tom Hanlin. bc-v254.zip 55595 09-22-96 BASIC PGM CODE WRITER V2.5.4 bkinpqb.zip 26275 09-22-96 Edited input function library for QuickBasic bltq13.zip 201678 09-22-96 BULLET is a super-fast, super-small | B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based, | multi-user database toolkit for QB, BASIC7, | VB/DOS. Also available for C. BULLET BASIC | version 1.03, 22-Apr-93. bpp10.zip 52590 09-22-96 Preprocessor for QBASIC/QuickBasic/BASCOM/PDS bprep110.zip 20491 09-22-96 Adds conditionals/includes/defines to BASIC bptb11.zip 99504 09-22-96 BASIC Programmer's Tool Box for QB45 and QB7 brun.zip 218775 09-22-96 Patch verified versions of all BRUNs buffdemo.zip 32845 09-22-96 Demonstration of using buffers in Basic bullet.bas 7979 06-28-88 Another bullet trajectory & velocity prgm bwb110e.zip 74213 09-22-96 Bywater BASIC Interpreter 1.10, EXE and doc bwb110s.zip 107316 09-22-96 Bywater BASIC Interpreter 1.10, C source code bwtool.lzh 24287 01-20-87 windows routines for Quick Basic ccit.zip 5645 09-22-96 QuickBasic routine to calculate CRC value clc.zip 3337 09-22-96 Command Line Calculator needs (GW)BASIC cmdlg2.zip 14580 09-22-96 Using common dialogs from Visual Basic cvt2tb.zip 47734 09-22-96 Convert BASIC to structured BASIC ddsrv.zip 12807 09-22-96 Add drag and drop functions to Visual BASIC dipset.zip 5439 09-22-96 Basic prog shows DIP switch settings dll4vb.zip 5594 09-22-96 prog .DLL for VisualBasic in B C Windows3.1 dmoshell.zip 36759 09-22-96 QBasic DOS shell w/ source & demo draw.zip 4170 09-22-96 An object oriented draw program dskinf.zip 5111 09-22-96 DLL to get disk info from VB durascrn.zip 76454 09-22-96 CREATE SCREEN-GENERATES BASIC CODE V2.0 easydoor.zip 32571 09-22-96 QuickBBS-compatible door maker lib. for QBASIC ee-calc.zip 7135 09-22-96 Handy circuit formulas prog in BASIC engr.zip 73493 09-22-96 Lots of *.BAS for control engr's entask.zip 6197 09-22-96 DLL callable from VB to end a task enumfont.zip 20013 09-22-96 Make Visual BASIC call WIN API fn EnumFonts environ.inf 1468 06-17-89 Accessing environment variables from BASIC epistat.zip 73373 09-22-96 Lots of statistics in BASIC w/ source error.zip 32459 09-22-96 Display BASIC errors in plain language! ezw1v30a.zip 155594 09-22-96 Fast pulldown menu system lib for QBASIC/PDS ezwindo1.zip 140800 09-22-96 EZ-Windows pulldown/popup lib for QBasic 4.x fc13.zip 5987 09-22-96 Compare 2 BAS sources, produce MRG update file fdtr45.zip 3554 09-22-96 DTR patch for QB4.5 - works ok fsort10.zip 5576 09-22-96 Sort large files from DOS or BASIC ga.zip 3910 09-22-96 Basic function key utility garbage.col 3588 10-11-86 Control string 'garbage collection' in BASIC genner.zip 118910 09-22-96 CREATE SCREEN THEN GENERATE BASIC CODE gfactory.zip 109346 09-22-96 Graphics Factory: Quick Basic graphics utility glib17.zip 169222 09-22-96 QBASIC ADDON LIBRARY glib19.zip 176862 09-22-96 GLib library for QuickBasic, 290+ routines grafwz15.zip 81390 09-22-96 Smaller, faster graphics library for QBASIC4.5 huge2.zip 24523 09-22-96 Enhanced huge array for VB update with addl | features hurrican.bqs 5248 07-21-87 Hurricane tracking program imb9003.zip 6478 09-22-96 Inside Microsoft Basic - 03/90 imb9004.zip 7788 09-22-96 Inside Microsoft Basic - 04/90 imb9005.zip 8848 09-22-96 Inside Microsoft Basic - 05/90 imb9006.zip 8950 09-22-96 Inside Microsoft Basic - 06/90 imb9007.zip 6320 09-22-96 Inside Microsoft Basic - 07/90 imb9011.zip 5664 09-22-96 Inside Microsoft Basic - 11/90 iqb9202.zip 8772 09-22-96 The Cobb Group's Inside QuickBasic Feb. 92 | files EMS.BAS, QTIMER.BAS, SENTINEL.BAS AND | SOUNDEX.BAS iqb9203.zip 11135 09-22-96 The Cobb Group's Inside Microsoft QuickBasic. | March 92 files. CHDRIVE.BAS, CURDIR.BAS, | DIR_READ.BAS, DIRFUN.BAS, PARSPATH.BAS, | QUALNAME.BAS, RECURTW.BAS, AND TREEWALK.BAS. leninp.zip 4508 09-22-96 VB source file for keystroke detection libwiz13.zip 81848 09-22-96 Hanlin's Library Wizard BASIC library manager lrnbasic.zip 79683 09-22-96 Several examples and a study tutorial of BASIC make472.zip 25503 09-22-96 Professional MAKE for QuickBASIC makeqlb.zip 30391 09-22-96 Examines QBASIC modules & make new QuickLIB masterb.zip 5454 09-22-96 Advanced BASIC routines matsol.zip 3249 09-22-96 Gauss-Jordan sim eqn's in BASIC (crude prgm) mbboot21.zip 73130 09-22-96 MB-Boot Quickbasic Program mhctl.zip 3795 09-22-96 Get a menu's control handle in a custom | control mhelp.zip 7108 09-22-96 adds INP, OUT, POKE, PEEK, more to Visual | BASIC for Windows mhelpvb.zip 1180482 09-22-96 Demo programs for Microhelp's tools for VB mhfs200.zip 24855 09-22-96 MhFormScroll allows controls to be scrolled ON | VB FORM mlistbox.zip 10180 09-22-96 Multi-select custom control for Visual Basic mort.bas 10449 04-18-87 Calculates Mortgage Interest Payments motor40.zip 27638 09-22-96 Servo & Step motor selection in BASIC (ver4.0 mwatch.zip 7867 09-22-96 Mouse monitor .dll for Visual Basic version 1 neatlist.bas 12067 12-10-85 'Neat lister' for BASIC source code objtoo21.zip 49818 09-22-96 ObjTool 2.1: check/view/repair/alter .OBJ | files. Rename publics, externals, default lib. | Delete language, default lib. Search OBJs. | Select files by wildcard, time, date, size. A | "one stop OBJ shop" by Tom Hanlin. oops.zip 2713 09-22-96 Recover BASIC prog lost by return to system opendl.zip 9099 09-22-96 VB custom control to use some of common | dialogs pbclon10.zip 151830 09-22-96 QKBasic Lib (break 64k limit w farpoke!) pbclon20.zip 362959 09-22-96 PBClone 2.0 library for Microsoft BASICs: | QuickBasic, Visual Basic for DOS, BASCOM and | PDS. Over 525 routines of all descriptions. | LIBWIZxx.ZIP strongly recommended for making | custom library. By Tom Hanlin. pbcwin.zip 30475 09-22-96 PBCwin 1.0 library for Visual Basic for | Windows. This is a general-purpose DLL with | some 78 routines. Shareware by Tom Hanlin. pbwiz15.zip 230105 09-22-96 PowerBASIC Wizard's Library for Spectra's | PowerBASIC. Over 200 routines, including | archive and disk directory viewing, time & | date manipulation, equation solver, EMS & XMS | memory access, keyboard and mouse control, | 256-color VGA & SVGA modes, equipment info, | string handling, extended math, ANSI | emulation. By Tom Hanlin. pcigen.zip 31692 09-22-96 U draw the scrn it makes BASIC stmts pro200.zip 21842 09-22-96 User interface toolbox for QuickBASIC prtsc.bas 365 03-17-89 Simple BASIC program to print the screen psupply.zip 8393 09-22-96 Linear Power Supply design in BASIC pw200d.zip 75061 09-22-96 Demo menu toolbox for PowerBasic 2.0 pwez36.zip 155818 09-22-96 QBASIC ADDON LIBRARY q4tool.zip 71643 09-22-96 QB4.5 lib w/mouse/window/fast-screen/DOS svcs q4tool11.zip 67645 09-22-96 QBASIC V4.x LIBRARY ROUTINES qb43.zip 2924 09-22-96 Quick Basic support for 43 lines on the EGA qb4bas45.zip 129732 09-22-96 latest version of QBBAS QuickBASIC subs qbasaid1.zip 116404 09-22-96 QBASIC UTILIITIES qbasaid2.zip 129416 09-22-96 QBASIC ADDON LIBRARY qbasaid3.zip 75929 09-22-96 ASST. QBASIC UTILITIES/ROUTINES qbbaud.zip 2537 09-22-96 Determine COM port baud rate in QuickBASIC qbbios.zip 27468 09-22-96 QBASIC LIB ROUTINES FOR BIOS FUNCTION CALLS qbdb3.zip 55563 09-22-96 QBASIC CODE FOR DBASE FILE ACCESS qbevgfx2.zip 87109 09-22-96 Fast EGA/VGA graphics routines link library qbfe10.zip 57395 09-22-96 QBASIC FRONT END SHELL PGM V1.0 qbinput.zip 7618 09-22-96 QBASIC INPUT SUBROUTINE qbmap36.zip 38807 09-22-96 MAP QBASIC PGM w/ EXT LIB FUNCTION CALLS qbmp35.zip 45904 09-22-96 BASIC LANG SOURCE CODE MAPPER qbnws101.zip 15823 09-22-96 QuickBASIC newsletter 1 - good reading qbnws204.zip 67673 09-22-96 QuickBasic Newsletter V.2 N.4 qbscrgen.zip 63258 09-22-96 QBASIC SCREEN GENERATOR qbser21.zip 26025 09-22-96 QBserial Version 2.10; Communications library | for QuickBASIC 4.x and Basic Compiler 7.x | Allows programs to access Comm ports at rates | up to 115200 baud. COM1-4 and non-standard | addresses supported, on IRQ's 1-7. Interrupt | driven, CTS/RTS & XON/XOFF flow control. Full | DTR and RTS control, and more. Comes with | sample code. Very easy to add to your program qbsub10.zip 22531 09-22-96 QBasic subroutines library qbsubdmo.zip 13833 09-22-96 Demonstrates applications of above qbtips.lzh 8327 12-02-88 Tips for MS Quick Basic qbtoolbx.lzh 148053 06-30-88 Quick Basic Toolbox Utilities qbtools.zip 203892 09-22-96 Toolbox for Qbasic 4-4.5 and Basic 6 qbtools1.zip 43554 09-22-96 Math tools for Quick Basic 3&4 qbtools2.zip 87232 09-22-96 ASSORTED QBASIC ADDON FUNCTIONS qbtools4.zip 73983 09-22-96 QBASIC ADDON LIBRARY qbtools5.zip 98892 09-22-96 QBASIC ADDON LIBRARY qbtree42.zip 138533 09-22-96 B-Tree indexed file access for QuickBASIC qbuddy21.lzh 132050 01-01-80 Quick Basic routines qbutil4.zip 76561 09-22-96 QBASIC UTILITY SET RELEASE 4 qbware.zip 77841 09-22-96 QBASIC INTERFACE LIBRARY V1.1 qbware2.zip 201909 09-22-96 QBASIC ADDON LIBRARY qbwiz13.zip 33703 09-22-96 QBWiz allows direct access to QuickBasic 4.5 | internal names so you can obtain information | that would otherwise not be available. It | also allows setting the DOS ErrorLevel on END. | Free with source code, by Tom Hanlin. qbx400g.zip 48641 09-22-96 BUERG'S QBASIC XREF PGM V4.0G qd2_c7.zip 6619 09-22-96 Logitech Mouse Driver for Q-DOS II Shell qdr26.zip 6595 09-22-96 Quick Disk reformater qsam300.zip 23400 09-22-96 QSAM: A B-Tree access method for QuickBASIC qscreen.zip 61602 09-22-96 CREATE SCREEN AND GENERATE BASIC CODE qtool3.lzh 84367 06-30-88 Quick Basic routines qtool4.lzh 70643 06-30-88 Quick Basic routines qwez42.zip 193108 09-22-96 Window management system for QuickBASIC 4.+ race2.zip 3637 09-22-96 Short programs for autoracing fans rankine.zip 279151 09-22-96 Teaching tool for Rankine cycle in BASIC rascal.zip 71048 09-22-96 Attempts to make BASIC into a usable language rb58.zip 5576 09-22-96 Quickly convert BASIC files to ASCII readbas.zip 19803 09-22-96 Reads tokenized BASIC files without BASIC realfun.zip 202198 09-22-96 Real and complex math library for QuickBASIC reref.zip 37537 09-22-96 RELOCATION/RENUMBER BASIC CODE WITHIN PROGRAM science.zip 52469 09-22-96 Lots of Basic programs for data reduction softip.zip 98430 09-22-96 Marquis Computing's BASIC Soft Tips magazine spllib.zip 115139 09-22-96 Structured Programming Language Processor squish33.zip 8181 09-22-96 V.Buerg's compress & unnumber Basic source stmtbl.zip 81288 09-22-96 QBASIC PGM FOR STEAM TABLE DATA DRY/SAT 1-150 stsbar.zip 5963 09-22-96 VB: Visual status bar for Visual BASIC superlib.zip 175281 09-22-96 QBASIC ADDON LIBRARY sweep5.lzh 2479 03-05-89 freq analysis f/ audio (simple BASIC stuff) tbmath.zip 10791 09-22-96 Turbo basic f/ integrals, LaPlace, & Poisson tbsuplow.zip 33170 09-22-96 Turbo Basic source upper/lower case conversion tbw73.zip 17715 09-22-96 Menu toolbox for Turbo Basic works well tbwind30.zip 17982 09-22-96 Window Routines for TurboBasic tbxm10.zip 7324 09-22-96 XMODEM sample COMM for Turbo Basic techmenu.zip 60420 09-22-96 Menu driven elec engr prgm's in BASIC timing2.zip 14332 09-22-96 QuickBasic background timing routines topmenu2.zip 64773 09-22-96 Quick Basic 4.x source: nice pulldown menu tsrbas20.zip 93495 09-22-96 Terminate and stay resident BASIC Interpreter turbobas.zip 6819 09-22-96 Many Turbo BASIC utility routines unpbas11.zip 3585 09-22-96 Unprotects GWBASIC/BASICA protected programs unprotct.zip 4849 09-22-96 UNBPROTECT BASIC PGM SAVED WITH P OPTION vbasm.zip 36531 09-22-96 Adds INP, OUT, PEEK, POKE, more to Visual | BASIC for Windows vbbook13.zip 41416 09-22-96 VB Book v1.3, print booklets to LJ, src & exe vbcomm20.zip 19250 09-22-96 Communications Control for Visual Basic vbfindid.zip 10230 09-22-96 Get/set control IDs in Visual BASIC forms vbprimer.zip 1137580 09-22-96 Microsoft Visual Basic Version 2.0 Primer | Edition vbrc10.zip 75516 09-22-96 Creates RC Dialog Scripts from VisBasic Forms vbz01.zip 96751 09-22-96 A sample issue of VBZ- a visual basic digest | pub vb_tips.zip 105741 09-22-96 VB tips and workarounds vth.zip 2932 09-22-96 Basic prog to do Op Amp calculations vudu31p.zip 89130 09-22-96 Windowing utilities for MS BASIC PDS 7 vudu31q.zip 88086 09-22-96 Windowing utilities for MS QuickBASIC 4+ vxb104.zip 326352 09-22-96 Visual Basic Routines to Access dBase Files w31api.zip 34916 09-22-96 Windows 3.1 API declarations for Visual Basic wrkply.zip 49640 09-22-96 27 simple work & play BASIC programs